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Enrollment has CLOSED

Pizitz Middle School
Parent/Guardian Student Permission Form

You must register your 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Student by 1/20/25.

I, the undersigned Parent/Guardian, give permission for my student enrolled at Louis Pizitz Middle School ("LPMS") to attend Extended Learning Opportunity ("ELO") Bible education sponsored by School Ministries Alabama ("School Ministries"), with classes held every school day from 2:40-3:40 pm at Mountaintop Church, 225 Centerview Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35216. I understand that School Ministries will provide transportation from LPMS, but that I, the undersigned, will be responsible for picking up my student at Mountaintop Church at 3:40 pm after class. Students will NOT be returned to LPMS after class, and School Ministries will NOT provide transportation to any student's home or any other location after class. 


I understand there may be occasions when photos or video may be taken during this ELO Bible class; I consent for School Ministries and its agents to use and publish, without charge, photos, videos, print material, or other media that may include images and words of or about my child.


I understand and agree that:

1. This class is not designed to conflict with required core classes, and that my student is responsible for school class assignments that may be missed during ELO Bible classes.

2. This ELO Bible class will be placed in my child's school class schedule. This means:

a. I may withdraw my permissions for my LPMS student to attend future ELO Bible classes with at least 48-hour written notice to School Ministries and LPMS and 

b. If no such prior notice has been given to withdraw my student from all future ELO Bible classes, and I wish my student to avoid attending a scheduled class, I must sign my child out of LPMS before 2:10 pm on that day of the class.

3. School Ministries may withdraw my student from the class, with at least 48-hour written notice to the student's parent/guardian and LPMS, if circumstances (e.g., unresolved behavioral issues) require.


I understand that any supporting educational accommodations or interventions provided to my student by LPMS or Vestavia Hills City Schools are not available or otherwise provided to my student during their attendance at this specific ELO class, including students required to be supported by a school nurse or paraeducator during the school day. Food allergies do not require a School nurse to accompany your child; however, that information is requested below so we are aware and prepared if necessary


Please complete the following:

First and last name entry will count as the Student's electronic signature.

First and last name entry will count as your electronic signature.

Parent/Guardian Street Address*

After review and acceptance by SMA, a PDF copy of your completed form will be sent to the email address provided.

Thank you for your patience.

By submitting this form with my electronic signature I confirm my acceptance of its terms and conditions.

Thank you for submitting your student's permission form. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mark Warner at



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Office Address: 200 Missionary Ridge Drive | Birmingham, AL 35242

Mailing Address: PO Box 361422 | Birmingham, AL 35236 

Phone: (205) 453-8663

School Ministries Alabama is qualified as a charitable organization by the IRS Code section 501(c)(3) and is an Alabama nonprofit corporation. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by Federal and State law.
© 2024 by School Ministries Alabama. 

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